Thursday, June 17, 2010

Filming Will Begin!

Now that its summer break, the filming can start! In the summer of '09 we had been creating ways of doing the animation for the final product! Now we can start making movies with all the great features of iKIT!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Title Has Been Decided!

We have decided that we are going to make that series a "James Bond" type of movie. The title is now going to be "Golden Brick" instead. Since Joeseph is a huge "James Bond" fan, he is going to be the main character and the rest of us are going to be with him in a group so everyone can be in it.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


We have just discovered an old title for the spy movie! It's "Special Ops".
We found it in some old script documents! And now we are going to discuss whether to use that one or something else!